Obesity and its cure

Obesity is spreading at a rapid pace all over the globe and the day is not far when it may become a global epidemic. The dramatic increase of this disease is occurring in both children and adults. Obesity is a serious problem and does not come alone. It indicates the arrival of a host of other side effects among obese people such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, dyslipidaemia, stroke, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, breathing disorders including obstructive sleep apnoea and obesity hypoventilation syndrome, osteoarthritis, gallstone formation and the list is endless. A list of side effects in women due to obesity includes increased infertility, a higher risk of obstetric complications, which strongly relate to the polycystic ovarian syndrome. Some recent evidence from epidemiologic studies also adds to this list with diseases like postmenopausal breast cancer, and cancers of the colon, endometrium, and pancreas.

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Bird flu showing signs of mutation

One of China’s top doctors has disclosed that the H5N1 bird flu virus has shown signs of mutation and can kill human victims more easily if treatment is not given early enough, newspapers reported on Tuesday. Zhong Nanshan, an expert on respiratory diseases, told reporters in Beijing that vigilance should be kept up especially when H5N1 human cases are surfacing at a time when seasonal human influenza is at a peak.

Zhong was quoted by the Ming Pao newspaper as saying:

“When avian flu is around and human flu appears, this will raise the chances of avian flu turning into a human flu. We have to be very alert and careful in March. People who were killed by bird flu last year and this year were too poor to seek treatment. If you happen to have high fever and pneumonia, you must seek treatment fast.”

Three Chinese died this year of H5N1 bird flu and they were infected probably through contact with sick poultry. The World Health Organisation said there was no evidence of transmission between humans in all three cases.

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How to suppress your panic attack

Every now and then, I believe everyone has a panic attack. Fear is natural and if you have a big meeting tomorrow, you should definitely try out these tips on how to suppress your panic attacks!

1. Stop taking too much caffeine, it would increase your panic attacks rather than suppressing it
2. Too much sugar would also trigger panic attacks. Consume moderately
3. Use honey instead of sugar, it is sweet but does not have adverse effects from sugar
4. Vitamins help regulate your bodily function
5. Drink enough water so that your body functions properly instead of last minute dehydration
6. Sleep is crucial to your health and having enough sleep would help you be more confident the next day
7. I read a good book to help calm myself down
8. Always try different methods to relax yourself — after all, what’s the big deal of having a big meeting right?

Why good posturing is important

Good posture is an effort, not tiring position that can be maintained over a long period. Your posture can be a reflection of your body attitude. One is any deviation curvature of the spine of its normal direction or position.

There are two curves of the spine, which can be viewed from the side. When posture is defective, these curves are exaggerated or reduced. Lordose exists when the neck and dips in the lower back to display a curve. Seen from behind, lordosis is an exaggeration digging back. After time, this can lead to a hollow saddle, or swing back. Cyphose occurs when the curve dips in the opposite direction, in the neck to the waist. Seen from behind, kyphosis is exaggerated or rounded hump. After time, this can lead to a bump.

Seen from the back, shoulders and pelvis should be parallel and head in the line above the tail, displaying a vertical line. Scoliosis is a deviation from the straight line, where the curves of the spine of its central axis from left to right, looking like a S.

Poor posture causes a multitude of symptoms such as back pain, headache, general breathing and digestive difficulties, malaise, problems and feet.

Erectile dysfunction and its treatment

To understand better about erectile dysfunction, it is important to understand how a normal erection occurs. Contrary to popular belief, the brain is the biggest sexual organ and aware of erections which are the result of a pulse sent by the brain to the central nervous system. The nervous system then tells the party’s muscular corpora cavernosa of the penis to relax. Once the corpus cavernosum called the tunica albuginea gets filled with blood, the muscular corpus cavernosum then expands. The enlarging the corpora cavernosa resultis in an erection.

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