Tricks to stop eating junkfood

Tricks to Stop Eating Junkfood

Virtually every person that has ever started on a diet has looked for tricks to stop eating junkfood. The junkfood is different with each person. Sometimes it is cookies and sometimes it is cake. It might be soft drinks or candy. Regardless, junk food is an absolute disaster to our diets and nutrition. So are there really tricks to stop eating junkfood? Is this some urban legend or is it truly possible to stop? Here are some legitimate tricks to stop eating junkfood right now.

The first trick to stop eating junkfood is to study up on what it is doing to your body. A cookie becomes much less appetizing when you realize that it is going to cost you two days of work outs. What about McDonalds? One value meal there will literally be the equivalent of two to three days of regular eating calories. Do you want to go out and get a Big Mac, or do you want to lose weight? A Big Mac will keep your weight right where it is for a few days. Bet on that.

Good old fashioned replacement food is one of the most popular tricks for not eating junk food around. Simply replace any junk food urges with other more healthy alternatives. Much of your junk food habit is related to chewing, and not only the taste of the food. If you eat something healthy, then you might trick your mind over time into filling that craving. Every time you get a craving for junk food, eat a carrot stick instead. Eat a celery stick. Eat anything that is low in calories and high in nutrition. It will help with the cravings, and can boost your nutrition at the same time.

Forget junk food rewards. Many people try to eat junkfood as a “cheat day” and think that they have earned it. The truth is, they have not earned anything except a healthy lifestyle in dieting. If you “reward” yourself with the very thing you are quitting, then you are not quitting. If you were a cocaine addict and quit, you would not “reward” yourself with a nose full if you went a few days without it, right? Of course not. Forget the rewards. Your rewards will be the longer life and lower weight.

A great trick to stop eating junk food is to instead do the opposite when you get cravings. Every time you get a craving for a bit of junk, then drop down and do ten push ups. Drop down and do ten sit ups. Whatever. Simply do something that is the opposite of the cravings. What you have been doing in the past is not working, or you would not be on a diet right? Do the opposite and you will stop eating junk food quickly. If nothing else you will be burning calories while you get away from the junk food and getting fit.

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